Manufacturing by hand in small batches allows us a great flexibility. We have the freedom to produce within one product range different products tailored to the specific needs of a skin or hair condition. We are very fortunate that we do not have to offer to our clients different varieties of the same product by using i.e.  the same crème base for a variety of “different” products.

We can also produce different types of products ranging from soap bars to shampoos and conditioners to toners, cleansers and moisturizers and many other products.

Small batches can be an nuisance but they are also a great opportunity to manufacture a great variety of products.

We are doing that since more than 10 years and have during that period acquired a lot of production know-how and have gone through the well known learning curve with many different products.

We are happy to offer this know-how to third parties who also want to start the journey of offering natural personal care products.

When you start this journey you do not want to take unnecessary risks. You do not know if the products will really work. You also do not want to order a large quantity, because you can not be 100 % sure how long it will take you to sell the products. You would like to concentrate your efforts to sell the products, to develop a relationship with your customers and create an identity for your brand and a positive reputation for your company.

Throughout the years we have manufactured for a fair number of customers products which they bought from us either in “bulk” – they filled the products into their own bottles and labelled them – or they bought in our bottles and put their own labels on them.

We can offer this type of service provided the products fit into our existing range, which means we could use the same raw materials we use for our products and the same packing we use.