Serum X 2 – Anti Aging

25 ml

Rand 290.00

Mature skin, dry skin

Stimulates blood circulation and cell regeneration, rich in antioxidants, excellent moisturizing and emollient properties, improves elasticity, trans-epidermal moisture retention

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Red Clover is a rich source of isoflavones, plant-based chemicals that produce estrogen-like effects in the body. Due the high content of Isoflavones Red Clover has strong anti-oxidant properties and stimulates the regeneration of cells making it very useful for dry and mature skin. Activating collagen production. Traditionally Red Clover has been used for the treatment of skin inflammations, such as psoriasis, eczema and skin rashes.

Evening Primrose Oil has an exceptionally high content Linoleic Acid and the rare Gamma-Linolenic Acid. These Fatty Acid can be incorporated into the Lipid structure of the skin and regenerate it even if they are applied only topically. It is very useful for the treatment of numerous conditions from dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis.

It is also used because of its excellent moisturizing and emollient properties which reduces the effects of aging skin. It is an exceptionally fine textured oil and has remarkable moisturizing, emollient and anti-inflammatory properties.

Rose Hip Oil is rich in essential fatty acids, namely alpha Linolenic Acid. Like no other oil it supports the regeneration of the skin and is extremely suitable for the treatment of dry and scaly skin, Pigment spots and scars. It also contains Trans-Retinolic Acid, which has strong healing and regenerating properties and boosts the collagen production in the skin thus retaining the skin’s ability to store moisture.

Rose Hip Oil stimulates the regeneration of membrane cells and is considered to be an excellent and very compatible Face Oil for dry, mature and inflamed skin.

Wheat Germ Oil, amongst the vegetable oils Wheat Germ Oil has the highest concentration of Tocopheroles. The high Tocopherol content, the unsaponifiables and carotinoids make Wheat Germ Oil a fantastic choice for mature, dull skin, which requires an improved blood circulation. It also contributes to repair cell membranes, improved elasticity, trans-epidermal moisture retention. Wheat Germ Oil is also known to have a skin toning effect, which can be mostly attributed to the improved circulation of the blood strengthening the membrane and transporting moisture and nutrients deep into the epidermis.

Jojoba Oil – is chemically a liquid wax, which closely resembles the natural oils and fats of the skin sebum and therefore has a great affinity to the skin. It is readily absorbed without making the skin greasy, tacky or clogging the pores assisting the rejuvenation of the skin by forming a layer with exceptional trans-epidermal water control, which is of particular importance for mature and dry skin. Jojoba Oil is very stable against oxidation, which slows down enzymatic and bacterial break-down process on the skin, ensuring long lasting protecting properties.

Important is also the ability to penetrate the outside layer of the epidermis (Stratum Corneum) and to disperse inside, softening the skin from the inside and improving its elasticity.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it an excellent choice for the treatment of Acne.


Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Red Clover Herbal Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Avocado Oil, Frankincense EO, Cedar wood EO, Rosemary EO, Rose Geranium EO


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