SERUM X5 Argan

25 ml

Rand 320.00

Dry skin, aging skin, normal skin

Boosting lipid content and the repair of the skin’s barrier function. Protects delicate skin, improves moisture levels, helps the skin retain its own moisture which all leads to improved softness and elasticity. Stimulates cell regeneration. Rich in anti-oxidants

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Argan Oil (Moroccan Oil), very balanced distribution of Fatty Acids, the most abundant are Omega 9 (Oleic acid) and Omega 6 (Linoleic acid). The topical application can have a number of hugely positive effects on the skin. The most important being, boosting lipid content and the repair of the skin’s barrier function. This helps protect delicate skin, improves moisture levels, helps the skin retain its own moisture which all leads to improved softness and elasticity. Topical application of Omegas are particularly beneficial to dry skin, conditions such as eczema and during extreme weather conditions, such as cold and wind, both of which can strip away at the skin’s lipid barrier.

The Phyto-Sterols in Argan Oil support natural functions and cell-regeneration of the skin, the antioxidants protect and reverse the effects of environmental damage.

Rose Hip Oil is rich in essential fatty acids, namely alpha Linolenic Acid. Like no other oil it supports the regeneration of the skin and is extremely suitable for the treatment of dry and scaly skin, Pigment spots and scars. It also contains Trans-Retinolic Acid, which has strong healing and regenerating properties and boosts the collagen production in the skin thus retaining the skin’s ability to store moisture.

Rose Hip Oil stimulates the regeneration of membrane cells and is considered to be an excellent and very compatible Face Oil for dry, mature and inflamed skin.

Marula Oil consists predominantly of Oleic Acid, which ensures good absorption into the skin and also relatively large amounts of saturated fatty acids, Palmitic and Stearic acid, which strengthen the skin’s hydrolipid film, which covers the surface of the skin and acts as an external barrier to defend against environmental pollutants and to reduce the trans-epidermal moisture loss.

Marula Oil has an outstanding stability against oxidation, which slows down enzymatic and bacterial break-down process on the skin, ensuring long lasting protecting properties. The anti-oxidants in Marula Oil are also known for their outstanding free radical scavenging properties which help to keep the skin’s youthful appearance.

Marula Oil is also known to improve skin hydration and smoothness and reduce redness.

Hemp Oil - The valuable alpha-Linolenic Acid are contributing to the excellent regenerating, cell-membrane repairing properties, making it very useful for dry and mature skin.

It also contain a relatively large quantity of gamma-Linolenic Acid, which has strong inflammation combating properties making it an excellent choice for fighting atopic dermatitis  (skin disorder characterized by chronic itching and scratching)

Wheat Germ Oil, amongst the vegetable oils Wheat Germ Oil has the highest concentration of Tocopheroles. The high Tocopherol content, the unsaponifiables and carotinoids make Wheat Germ Oil a fantastic choice for mature, dull skin, which requires an improved blood circulation. It also contributes to repair cell membranes, improved elasticity, trans-epidermal moisture retention. Wheat Germ Oil is also known to have a skin toning effect, which can be mostly attributed to the improved circulation of the blood strengthening the membrane and transporting moisture and nutrients deep into the epidermis.


Ingredients: Argan Oil, Marula Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Hemp Oil, Avocado Oil, Frankincense EO, Myrrh EO, Jasmine EO, Petitgrain EO, Tangerine EO, Neroli EO, Juniper EO, Lavender EO, Rose EO




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