Toner Energizing Verbena

100 ml

Rand 160.00

Suitable for all skin types

refreshing, stimulating, astringent

Do you want to know more:

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora) We use our own distillate of organic Lemon Verbena, which is high in antiseptic content and emollient properties, making it a fantastic tonic for your skin. These dual benefits of verbena help to fight clogging within the pores as the oil penetrates deeply to soften and moisturise the skin. It helps to alleviate skin disorders such as acne, boils and cysts.

Lavender – We use our own distillate of organic Lavender, which is well known as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cleanser, toner and detoxifier. Lavender flowers offer gentle yet potent skin-healing effects. Lavender speeds cell renewal, acts as an antiseptic and calms irritated skin.

Aloe Vera is recognized as an effective aid in healing almost any type of burn or wound. It can help replenish the skin with moisture and foster cell regeneration. It has proven to accelerate healing because among other things it has the ideal polysaccharides necessary for the skin to repair. Aloe Vera contains over 75 different nutrients beneficial to the skin including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids and salicylic acid.

Green Tea tightens and tones the skin, works as a natural toner. It helps draw out impurities, reduce large pores and gives your skin a nice healthy glow. Its substantial anti-inflammatory properties soothe and calm the skin, reduce itching and inflammation, while simultaneously tackling cuts, scrapes and other blemishes. The tanning acid helps to remove any excess oil.


Ingredients: Lemon Verbena Hydrolate, Withhazel water, Lavender Hydrolate, Aloe Vera, Green Tea Extract, Lavender EO, Lemon Verbena EO, Tea Tree EO, Juniper EO



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